
4th Quarter
Game over
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox missed FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford goes to the bench
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett enters the game
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman missed FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert missed FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert missed FT 1 of 2
EastmontEAST full timeout
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner made FT 2 of 1 and 1
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford made 3pt FG
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made FT 1 of 1 and 1
WenatcheeWENA full timeout
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert made 2pt FG
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler goes to the bench
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara enters the game
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett goes to the bench
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez goes to the bench
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford enters the game
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert enters the game
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman missed FT 1 of 2
WenatcheeWENA 30 second timeout
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters made 2pt FG
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox missed FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley enters the game
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo goes to the bench
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek goes to the bench
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek enters the game
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek goes to the bench
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford goes to the bench
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert goes to the bench
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman enters the game
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters enters the game
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett enters the game
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo missed FT 1 of 1 and 1
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler enters the game
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry goes to the bench
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox enters the game
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters goes to the bench
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman goes to the bench
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo enters the game
Wenatchee#34 Beth Cvilicek enters the game
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 3pt FG
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry made 2pt FG
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert enters the game
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley goes to the bench
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown missed FT 1 of 2
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford made 2pt FG
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten enters the game
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox goes to the bench
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara goes to the bench
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner enters the game
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler goes to the bench
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry enters the game
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett goes to the bench
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters enters the game
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert goes to the bench
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez enters the game
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett missed FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made 3pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo goes to the bench
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford enters the game
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters goes to the bench
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett enters the game
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez goes to the bench
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley enters the game
EastmontEAST full timeout
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters made 2pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert made 2pt FG
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten goes to the bench
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler enters the game
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN made 2pt FG
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten enters the game
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 1 of 1
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford goes to the bench
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley goes to the bench
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert enters the game
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo enters the game
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made 2pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley missed FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett goes to the bench
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters enters the game
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten goes to the bench
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox enters the game
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
2nd Quarter
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara enters the game
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox goes to the bench
WenatcheeWENA 30 second timeout
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made 2pt FG
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett missed FT 1 of 1 and 1
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten enters the game
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN made 2pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 2pt FG
EastmontEAST full timeout
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten goes to the bench
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox enters the game
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry goes to the bench
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner enters the game
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara goes to the bench
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown enters the game
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo goes to the bench
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett enters the game
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made FT 1 of 2
WenatcheeWENA full timeout
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler made 2pt FG
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten made FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters goes to the bench
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez enters the game
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler made 2pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 3pt FG
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler enters the game
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox goes to the bench
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo made 2pt FG
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 3pt FG
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters enters the game
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez goes to the bench
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett goes to the bench
Wenatchee#21 Isabel Pelayo enters the game
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry enters the game
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made 2pt FG
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara enters the game
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler goes to the bench
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert goes to the bench
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley enters the game
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman enters the game
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters goes to the bench
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters enters the game
Wenatchee#3 Kami Worley goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN goes to the bench
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry goes to the bench
Eastmont#42 Kaylynn Schmitten enters the game
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown missed FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#33 Kristen Sanford made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#23 Madi Peters goes to the bench
Wenatchee#5 Missy bennett enters the game
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry missed FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman goes to the bench
Wenatchee#12 Josefina Albert enters the game
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#10 Kaitlyn Cox made FT 1 of 2
EastmontEAST 30 second timeout
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made 2pt FG
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN made 3pt FG
Eastmont#30 Kaila Vara goes to the bench
Eastmont#12 BRITT VAUGHN enters the game
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown enters the game
Eastmont#14 Alexa Heimbigner goes to the bench
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry made FT 2 of 2
Eastmont#50 Kora Fry missed FT 1 of 2
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made FT 1 of 1
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman made FT 2 of 2
Wenatchee#22 Emily Redman missed FT 1 of 2
WenatcheeWENA wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
2nd Quarter
Eastmont#22 Megan Chandler made 2pt FG
Wenatchee#1 Olivia Ramirez made FT 1 of 2
Eastmont#32 Jayden Brown made 2pt FG