
4th Quarter
Game over
30 seconds left
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 2pt FG
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates made 2pt FG
1 minute left
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross goes to the bench
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt enters the game
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk enters the game
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper goes to the bench
2 minutes left
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde missed FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde made FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst personal foul
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger goes to the bench
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena goes to the bench
Kellogg#10 Morgan Nusz enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena made 2pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made 2pt FG
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde enters the game
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf goes to the bench
LakelandLAKE full timeout
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon enters the game
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit goes to the bench
Kellogg#14 Taeya Sheppard goes to the bench
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena enters the game
KelloggKELL full timeout
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt goes to the bench
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross enters the game
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser personal foul
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit made 2pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made FT 2 of 1 and 1
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit personal foul
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper made 3pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made 2pt FG
6 minutes left
KelloggKELL 30 second timeout
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 3pt FG
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger made FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger made FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt personal foul
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper enters the game
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf enters the game
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit enters the game
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger enters the game
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser enters the game
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk goes to the bench
Lakeland#24 Madeline Neff goes to the bench
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers goes to the bench
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger enters the game
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon goes to the bench
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt missed FT 1 of 1 and 1
Lakeland#24 Madeline Neff personal foul
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk made 2pt FG
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney goes to the bench
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst enters the game
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers made FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers missed FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa personal foul
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney made 2pt FG
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser goes to the bench
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena goes to the bench
Kellogg#14 Taeya Sheppard enters the game
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt made FT 2 of 1 and 1
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt personal foul
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa missed FT 2 of 2
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made FT 1 of 2
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde goes to the bench
Lakeland#24 Madeline Neff enters the game
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde personal foul
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde missed FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde made FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt personal foul
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena made 2pt FG
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers made 2pt FG
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt made 2pt FG
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst goes to the bench
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney enters the game
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde personal foul
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser missed FT 1 of 2
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf goes to the bench
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper goes to the bench
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers enters the game
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon enters the game
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst personal foul
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 2pt FG
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross goes to the bench
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt enters the game
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk goes to the bench
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena enters the game
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose goes to the bench
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates personal foul
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde missed FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde made FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross personal foul
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made 2pt FG
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena goes to the bench
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf personal foul
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger goes to the bench
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde enters the game
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst missed FT 2 of 2
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst missed FT 1 of 2
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger personal foul
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made FT 3 of 3
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf missed FT 2 of 3
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf missed FT 1 of 3
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst personal foul
6 minutes left
LakelandLAKE full timeout
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates personal foul
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates made 2pt FG
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk enters the game
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon goes to the bench
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross made 2pt FG
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper personal foul
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa enters the game
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose goes to the bench
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser personal foul
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper made 2pt FG
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst enters the game
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney goes to the bench
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates enters the game
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger enters the game
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger goes to the bench
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser enters the game
2nd Quarter
30 seconds left
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross made FT 2 of 2
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross made FT 1 of 2
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers personal foul
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa goes to the bench
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena enters the game
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit goes to the bench
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser goes to the bench
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers enters the game
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon enters the game
LakelandLAKE 30 second timeout
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 2pt FG
2 minutes left
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross personal foul
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk goes to the bench
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper enters the game
Kellogg#14 Taeya Sheppard goes to the bench
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates enters the game
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney made 3pt FG
Lakeland#24 Madeline Neff goes to the bench
Lakeland#32 Calli Stutheit enters the game
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa enters the game
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger personal foul
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 2pt FG
Kellogg#14 Taeya Sheppard enters the game
Kellogg#11 Kat Rauenhorst goes to the bench
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates goes to the bench
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt goes to the bench
Kellogg#33 Mackenzie Ross enters the game
Lakeland#24 Madeline Neff enters the game
KelloggKELL full timeout
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 3pt FG
6 minutes left
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt made 2pt FG
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney made 2pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa goes to the bench
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose enters the game
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 3pt FG
Lakeland#14 Alaina Pruitt enters the game
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger enters the game
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper goes to the bench
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers personal foul
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper made 2pt FG
30 seconds left
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 2pt FG
1 minute left
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde goes to the bench
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf enters the game
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser enters the game
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon goes to the bench
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa missed FT 2 of 2
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa missed FT 1 of 2
2 minutes left
LakelandLAKE 30 second timeout
Kellogg#3 Kaili Cates made 2pt FG
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser goes to the bench
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon enters the game
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf goes to the bench
Lakeland#44 Amanda Rohde enters the game
Kellogg#21 Cierra Brandt goes to the bench
Kellogg#13 Katlin Senteney enters the game
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose goes to the bench
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa enters the game
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose personal foul
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon goes to the bench
Lakeland#12 Makenzie Edinger goes to the bench
Lakeland#30 Izzy Kirk enters the game
Lakeland#20 Taylor Elpers enters the game
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser personal foul
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon made 2pt FG
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made 3pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa goes to the bench
Kellogg#5 Rylee Riekena enters the game
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser made FT 2 of 2
Lakeland#22 Mel Loutzenhiser missed FT 1 of 2
Kellogg#12 Erin Van Hoose personal foul
Lakeland#2 Abbey Leon made 2pt FG
6 minutes left
KelloggKELL 30 second timeout
Lakeland#4 Lauryn Cooper made 2pt FG
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 2pt FG
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 2pt FG
Kellogg#20 Jaron Figueroa made 3pt FG
KelloggKELL wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
1st Quarter
Lakeland#10 Sofi Schnepf made 2pt FG