Gaston Bulldogs
Gaston Bulldogs
Freshman Girls Basketball
2-2 Overall • 0-0 League

Gaston Girls Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
3Riley JohnsonRiley JohnsonG8t.5' 1"88 lbs
4Victoria  taliaferro Victoria taliaferro F-5' 8"108 lbs
5Myka TaylorMyka TaylorG8t.5' 1"100 lbs
11Novella JacobsNovella JacobsF8t.5' 6"125 lbs
12Vila  Taliaferro Vila Taliaferro PG8t.5' 9"110 lbs
13Josie GordonJosie GordonP8t.206 lbs
15A'nylah ShepardA'nylah ShepardF8t.5' 9"120 lbs
22Marissa Mc Cormick Marissa Mc Cormick P-5' 1"164 lbs
24Jenny Hollingsworth Jenny Hollingsworth G8t.5' 1"110 lbs
30Emma  CollinsEmma CollinsG-5' 2"169 lbs
33Taylor HudsonTaylor HudsonPFr.5' 9"124 lbs
40Camilla PaineCamilla PaineP-5' 8"236 lbs
Madilyn CollinsMadilyn Collins-5' 2"169 lbs


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