Quitman Panthers
Quitman Panthers
Freshman Football
0-1 Overall
0-0 League

Quitman Football Roster

#playerspos 1pos 2yearheightweight
2WRWR-8t.5' 10"140
3QBQB--5' 2"100
4QBQB-8t.5' 10"125
5RBRB-8t.5' 10"145
7WRWR-8t.5' 5"120
8WRWR-8t.5' 0"100
9WRWR-8t.5' 4"126
10----5' 5"110
11WRWR-8t.5' 10"135
12----5' 7"115
13---Fr.6' 0"125
14----5' 2"105
15WRWR--5' 1"90
16WRWR--5' 2"100
17WRWR-8t.5' 2"120
18WRWR--5' 2"115
24---8t.5' 5"125
25DEDE-8t.5' 9"164
41GG-8t.5' 6"120
42LBLB-8t.6' 0"140
44TETE--5' 8"165
45DEDE--5' 10"140
50GG--5' 3"160
52GG-8t.5' 5"170
54GG--5' 9"199
55CC-8t.5' 9"260
56TT-8t.5' 8"240
66----5' 5"200
67GG--5' 2"175
72GG--5' 2"135
75GG--5' 1"155
77CC--5' 3"165
78----6' 1"260
81WRWR-Sr.5' 7"120
81----6' 1"220
85----5' 10"160
92---8t.6' 0"145
94TT-8t.6' 4"285
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