Provine Rams
Provine Rams
Varsity Football
6-6 Overall
2-3 League

Provine Football Roster

#playerspos 1pos 2yearheightweight
3QBQB-Sr.6' 0"180
4RBRB-Sr.5' 9"180
5---Sr.6' 0"180
6WRWR-Sr.6' 2"155
7DBDB-Sr.5' 10"180
10LBLB-So.5' 10"175
11---So.5' 10"150
14---Fr.6' 1"170
17WRWR-Jr.5' 10"165
18DBDB-So.5' 7"140
20RBRB-Fr.5' 7"170
22LBLB-Sr.5' 11"159
23DBDB-Sr.5' 9"140
24LBLB-Sr.5' 10"200
25DEDE-Sr.6' 3"215
26DBDB-Sr.5' 9"170
27WRWR-Sr.5' 7"145
30---Sr.5' 7"150
32---So.6' 0"215
41RBRB-Jr.5' 7"145
47TETE-So.5' 11"215
49DLDL-Sr.5' 7"220
50OLOL-Sr.5' 11"285
51LBLB-So.6' 0"180
53DLDL-Sr.6' 0"250
55OLOL-Jr.5' 9"260
56LBLB-Fr.5' 9"180
58DLDL-Jr.5' 5"230
59DLDL-Jr.5' 11"225
66DLDL-So.5' 7"230
68OLOL-Sr.6' 0"280
70OLOL-So.5' 11"250
71OLOL-Sr.6' 4"225
72OLOL-Jr.5' 10"330
73OLOL-Sr.6' 0"260
74---Sr.5' 11"270
75OLOL-Sr.5' 9"350
78OLOL-Sr.6' 4"323
79OLOL-Fr.6' 1"260
85FBFB-Jr.5' 9"230
99DLDL-Fr.5' 9"235
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