Conway Wampus Cats
Conway Wampus Cats
Varsity Baseball
13-8 Overall
7-2 League

Conway Baseball Roster

#playerspos 1pos 2yearheightweight
1PPOFSr.6' 0"176
2INFINF-Jr.5' 8"157
3OFOF-Jr.5' 10"165
4PPCSo.6' 1"186
5INFINF-Sr.6' 0"190
6OFOF-Jr.5' 9"152
7---So.5' 11"142
8PP-So.6' 1"173
9INFINF-Sr.5' 8"160
10OFOF-So.6' 0"172
11CC-Sr.5' 9"202
12CC-So.5' 11"154
13PPOFSr.6' 1"186
14PPOFSo.6' 0"165
15---Jr.6' 4"210
16PPOFSo.5' 10"160
17PPINFSo.6' 0"160
18PP-So.6' 0"184
19PP-So.6' 1"182
21INFINF-So.6' 0"155
22PP-So.6' 0"200
23PPINFJr.6' 1"204
25PP-So.6' 5"200
27INFINF-So.6' 0"172
30PP-Jr.6' 2"225
PP-Fr.5' 8"166
PP-Fr.6' 3"168
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